Java is one of the most dynamic, powerful and popular programming languages used today. This is an object-oriented programming language. Java has been evolved from a language known as Oak. Java language finds its own position in today’s IT Industry. Every IT professional should be thorough with the Java programming since major projects are done in this language. Internationalization., Locale, Formatting text and dates Enterprise applications provide the business logic for an enterprise. They are centrally managed and often interact with other enterprise software. The aim of the Java EE platform is to provide developers with a powerful set of APIs while shortening development time, reducing application complexity, and improving application performance. Using Java EE we can develop web, distributed multitier applications.Java Online Training
Course Duration : 90 to 100 Hrs
Core Java – Java Standard Edition
Flow Control
Object Oriented Programming
Abstract classes and Interfaces
Inner classes
Exception Handling
Memory Management
Collections Framework
Java I/O Stream
Generics, Enums, AutoBoxing
J2ee- Java Enterprise Edition(JEE)
Web application development
Servlet Filters
Servlet Listeners
Session Tracking
JSP (JavaServerPages)
XML Processing API’s
Java API for XML Binding(JAXB)
Java Persistence API (JPA)
Understanding Other Data binding Frameworks in Java
Hibernate Frame work
Object Persistence
Hibernate Architecture
Persistent Classes
Working with Persistent Objects
Value Type Collections
Transitive Persistence
Transactions and Concurrency
Spring Frame work
Overview of Spring3 modules
Dependency Injection /Inversion of control
IOC Containers
Spring 3 Expression Language(SpEL)
Annotation Driven Configuration in Depth
Spring Web MVC Annotation driven
Spring JDBC
Object Relational Mapping Intergration
Spring Transaction (TX) Management
Spring Security
Struts 2 Framework
Struts 2 – Overview
Application Development with Struts 2
Introduction to Ajax
Presentation with Struts Tags
Test-driven Development
Type Conversion
REST Full Web Services (JAX-RS with Jersey Implementation)
SOAP Based Web Services(Axis2 & JAX-WS)
Defining SOAP Messages with WSDL
Role of SOAP in Web services Anatomy of a WSDL document
Overview of Web Services and Apache Axis2
Simple Web Services
Apache Axis2 Web Service Clients
Apache Axis2 Web Service End-points
Exposing Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) as Web Services Implementing code-first Web services
Improving generated WSDL
Implementing Web Service Clients in Java Generating client code from WSDL
JSF 2.0
JSF Overview
GUI Components 1
Navigation in JSF applications
Conversion and Validation
JSF Events
GUI Components 2
Page composition using Facelets
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