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PHP Online Training

PHP Online Training

Course Duration : 45 Hrs

PHP Course Content

  • Introduction to html
  • What is an html?
  • Introduction to editors and browsers
  • What is tag?
  • Discuss about basic tags of html
  • Discuss about head section tags
  • What is an attribute?
  • Discuss about an attribute
  • Discuss about textformating tags
  • Discuss about body tags(marquee,img,embed,anchor,named anchor)
  • Image mapping
  • Introduction to tables
  • Difference b/w th and td
  • Discuss about table attributes in notepad
  • Template creation with tables
  • Lists
  • Introduction to forms
  • Discuss about forms


  • Introduction to css
  • What is css
  • Types of css
  • What is inline css
  • Discuss inline css
  • What is internal css
  • Discuss internal css
  • Discuss about properties
  • Types of selector
  • Difference  b/w class selector and id selector
  • What is div
  • Template creation with divs
  • Difference b/w div and span
  • External css


  • Introduction JavaScript
  • What is JavaScript
  • What is statement
  • Types of statements
  • What is variable
  • Variable declaration
  • What is an operator
  • Types of operators
  • Discuss operators theoretically and practically
  • Conditional statements
  • Introduction to loops
  • For loop examples
  • While loop examples
  • Difference b/w while and dowhile loops
  • Introduction to objects
  • What is property and method
  • String object
  • Math object
  • Navigator object
  • screen object
  • Date  object
  • Array object
  • Introduction to HTMLDOM
  • Document object
  • Window object
  • Discuss dropdown menu practically
  • Discuss navigation menu practically


  • Introduction to php
  • What is php
  • Installation process of XAMPP
  • How to write php page
  • Php output statement and method
  • Where to  save php page
  • How to run php page
  • Php variables
  • Php operators
  • Php variable methods
  • Conditional statements
  • Loops
  • Functions
  • Arrays
  • Introduction to mysql
  • Discuss about queries
  • Creating tables
  • Inserting values to tables
  • Retrieving data from tables
  • Update  and delete data
  • Exploring where keyword
  • Exploring order by keyword
  • Exploring rand keyword
  • Exploring like keyword
  • Exploring limit keyword
  • Exploring as keyword
  • Group by
  • Inner join
  • Let join
  • Right join
  • String handling
  • Regular expressions(patterns)
  • Send data from client to server with form validation
  • File handling
  • File uploading
  • QueryString
  • Introduction to Sessions
  • Introduction to  Cookies
  • Login page creation with remember me (sessions and cookies)
  • Ajax
  • Introduction to php oops
    • What is class
    • What is an object
    • What is constructor
    • What is property
    • What is method
    • What is access specifiers
    • Inheritance
    • Method overloading
    • Method overriding
    • Parameterized and non-parameterized constructors
    • Polymorphism
    • Interface
    • oops examples
    • Static
    • Final
    • Abstract
  • Admin login creation
  • Admin panel creation
  • Date and time functions
  • Mail
  • Introduction to jquery
    • What is jquery
    • Introduction to Jquery selectors
    • Introduction  to jquery filters
    • Types of jquery filters
    • Jqery animations and effects
    • Jquery events and functions
    • jqueryUI
    • jquery with ajax
  • php & Mysql Projects

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